"Do You feel Handicapped?"
Three Chihuahuas in New York, got a new set of wheels, for legs, after being born without front legs. The pups are getting strapped into aluminum frames with rubber wheels, being bought by donors dollars. Life can sometimes deal us a raw deal, we think, then again we don't really know how much we have to be thankful for with what we have.
How many of you are handicapped? How many of you feel that your life is not worth living? How many of you want to quit and give up?.
Why give up? Why not look on the bright side of your life?. Think of all the things that you could "not have", like the legs you are standing on, or the eyes that let you see the beauty that is given to us, and we take it for granted, or the hands that can help others?.
We as American's have so much to be thankful for and some of us just seem to look at all our troubles, and not look at what we do have.
We have homes, we have heat, and we have electricity, we have cars and have TV's and other things that we take for granted. How many of us has to go to a food kitchen for a "Hot" meal?.
Now let's look at the others that are in our world or those that we tend to bypass abd look the other way in our life, those that do not have homes and live in the cold weather and those that live in hot weather. They are poorest of the poor. Do you think they are thankful to have a hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee?. The answer is "Yes".
American's have forgotten those that have not, and focused on themselves not caring about their fellow men or women.
Ok so you can see a doctor, some in America can't do that, and have no means of medical help. Did you hear and understand what I just said?.
How many of you are handicapped? How many of you feel that your life is not worth living? How many of you want to quit and give up?.
Why give up? Why not look on the bright side of your life?. Think of all the things that you could "not have", like the legs you are standing on, or the eyes that let you see the beauty that is given to us, and we take it for granted, or the hands that can help others?.
We as American's have so much to be thankful for and some of us just seem to look at all our troubles, and not look at what we do have.
We have homes, we have heat, and we have electricity, we have cars and have TV's and other things that we take for granted. How many of us has to go to a food kitchen for a "Hot" meal?.
Now let's look at the others that are in our world or those that we tend to bypass abd look the other way in our life, those that do not have homes and live in the cold weather and those that live in hot weather. They are poorest of the poor. Do you think they are thankful to have a hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee?. The answer is "Yes".
American's have forgotten those that have not, and focused on themselves not caring about their fellow men or women.
Ok so you can see a doctor, some in America can't do that, and have no means of medical help. Did you hear and understand what I just said?.
Some American's have no have no way to get medical help, what is wrong here?.
Maybe you have Diabetes, you may have, or know someone that has Cancer, and yes you may be handicapped do to an illness do to something else like a car accident.

Most American's have jobs, but they don't pay enough to meet the bills. So we are forces to live day by day, watching every penny they have and "pinching" pennies to make it through until the next month of bills.
Don't get me wrong, some people are blessed to have good jobs, and there are some wonderful people that are even being a blessing to those that do not have by sharing what they do have.
In the end they will get a "Blessing" for helping those that do not have.
Take the Chihuahuas that were born without front legs, do you think they would complain, even if they could. I say No, because they were born that way and never realized what they were missing. They just got along on their two back legs. And then some good American's came in and did what no one thought would ever happen, and that was donate some money that they had to see that these dogs had two front rolling legs. Now that is a blessing and that also is "America" at its best.
If people can do that for and animal, just think what they can do to help you or the people that you know that need help.
Think also what they can do to help find medical cures for diabetes, cancer, hearing loss, blindness and every other major problem in America?.
I believe strongly in America, and I believer that we are all brothers and sisters and that we can all come together and get these funds to help in all the research that would help those that suffer from different medical handicaps.

This writer suffers from Epilepsy, and no one seems to have a cure yet, but does that bother me? No becauseuse I know that one day there will be a cure but until then I am praying for all those that have seizures on a daily basis.
Check your local Epilepsy foundation website and they should have more information regarding marches and and awareness weeks.
Remember you are only handicapped if you choose to be?. So live life to the fullest, help all those that are in need, and make sure you are thankful to GOD each and every day you wake up.
Story by : Augustino Patti Jr.