Can you say I am lucky? Can you say I am blessed? Can you just say that it was nice having someone in my wife’s family be elected as Mayor of a small town in Arkansas called West Fork?
Her name is Janice Throgmorton, and she is so vibrant and has a knack for making you feel at ease. She is funny and that is what maybe got her elected although she has some skills of making people want to work and want to prosper. She is not laid back in any way she is a mover and a shaker.
West Fork may be a small town, but most great politicians came from small towns, before they moved up the ladder of success.
Throgmorton is a name that is hard to remember let alone say, I call her Mayor Jan, that will get me by in a pinch. Her and her Husband or Christians and are active in their church and they always have something good to say to everyone. Like I say life is what you make it, “you can have a lemon and suck on it and make a sour face or you can add sugar and make lemonade and make everyone happy”
The Mayor of this small town, calls my wife, who has been sick and just her voice on the other end lifts my wife’s spirit and you can tell whenever Mayor Jan has called my wife, because she turns into a new kind of person.
To show you how strong she takes her job, I had a article printed out from the North West Arkansas paper, and it was more or less speaking about how Jan was doing in the race that was being held.
All I wanted was her autograph, on the news clipping, much to my surprise Jan had to read every line before she signed it.
Was there something hidden in it? Of course not, but everything that comes across her desk she has to sign she reads, and that is something very special because you never know what someone will try and throw into a document that is not to her liking.
West Fork Arkansas, is a small step onto a road of many doors, she may be Mayor now, but who knows where she will go from there. I mean sure she could retire and sit back and just think of things that could have been done, and those she could have helped, and if GOD has anything to do about it she could move on to a higher plan for the people in Arkansas and even those that may have never heard of Mayor Jan Throgmorton before.
I will not say that she will go any further in politics, but if you want honesty and pure hearted love, then the Mayor of this small town is someone you want working for you and in your behalf.
More about this outstanding Mayor coming to you soon as this reporter shall dig for more details.
Tino Patti
A Freelance Photographer/Video Journalist