Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waffle House's

The Liar from Douglas County

(Wake up; it’s time to read another edition from the Liar from D.C.)

Good Morning, and welcome to today’s news from Douglas County as well as the surrounding areas.

Georgia is made up as a State of beauty and all things seem so good, except for the high cost you or I am paying at the gas pump.

I remember when I was a teenager and I jumped into my hot Ford Mustang, to impress those girls and the gas was less than 35 cents a gallon, I could fill the tank and ride like the wind forever or what I considered forever.

It was so cool back then, now if I drive it better be for a good reason or I am not going. America is a place of beauty and there are so many different cultures. We should be proud of the vast differences in people of the Country. Think of it, what if we are were alike? Man this world would be a mess if everyone was like me. I mean, can you imagine what things would be like?

Or just suppose everyone was just like “YOU”, what would we all do? If we were like you in every way, can you imagine what life would be like?

I think it would be a mess; then again maybe you would straighten out this world. Oh well who cares.

Now how many of you dine at the 24 hour restaurant that is open at almost every Interstate highway crossing, as well as every town in America, called Waffle House? Where breakfast can be had no matter what time of day or night it is, and don’t forget the eggs and hash browns, that are sliced diced and smothered with what ever you want, and “Waffles” anyway you like them. “Pecan waffles are really great”.

Some people have started calling the place the “AFFLE” House leaving off the “W”. Is there a reason, do we have to be concerned? Just to show I am a true American I think today I will go and sit down at one of these fine restaurants and enjoy the food and kick back and watch all the folks coming in and out of the place. To bad they don’t have a wireless internet connection are no one would leave the building.


Augustino Patti Jr. *just a blog*


Well here we are again, a new day Sunday January, 6th, 2008 and the sun is shinning on this new day.

The weather man has been giving us some great forecast for the rest of the day, today it is heading back into the high 60’s and that makes me feel so good.

Today I want to concentrate on things that are so simple that really know one knows until they take the first drink or taste of something that they have always liked.

Let’s start with our own city, Atlanta, the home of Coca Cola. We here takes Coke for granted. But remember when Coke came in a glass bottle? And it said Coca Cola on the side and everyone was happy. Then the company in the 70’s or 80’s thought why not change it. And then was born the new Cola that was supposed to be better than the original.

Wrong!. The famous Soft drink company had changed the recipe and anyone knows that when something is working don’t make a change.

But they gave us a new real tasting Coca Cola; in a fancy bottle as well the new 2 liter bottle.

The trouble is now they have upset those that were drinking Coke, the taste was not the same, the ump!, was gone, It did not taste the same, it was miserable and everyone that bought the new Coke said the same thing, “it’s not the same ,why did they mess with it?”.

Later Coca Cola got the message and returned with the new Coca Cola and on the side of the can, bottle or 2 liter it said “CLASSIC” Coca Cola”. So here I am drinking a “Classic” Cola, Why do people change things when they work. Leave them alone unless you have tons of folks saying how bad things taste or how bad they are.

Let’s say your sister-in-law made the best apple pie in the south, and your family on every re-union or holiday came by and they expected her to bring her apple pie as only she could make. They were all waiting and hoping to get that huge slice. Then when they cut a piece and placed it on a plate and took a bite to sit back and enjoy, hug!! It had been changed. They demanded what she had done wrong. Staring her in the face they all looked at her and she said “well, I did not add the same apples, and I added more artificial sugar, not to mention the dough was from a can I picked up at the store”. Then suddenly all the plates could be heard like a thunder as they were slammed to the table. “Do you know what you have done” they demanded, “You have taken a trick out of Coca Cola’s book of tricks”. Remember everything was great until they changed the recipe for the real brand of Coke to what they called “New” and “improved”. The sister-in-law, dropped her eye’s and in disgust said “you know your all right, I was just trying to cut some corner’s and make it a faster way, I never once thought of the taste”.

With that everyone hugged her and guess what at the next re-union, the original apple pie was there for everyone to have a slice of, and as a matter of fact she had made an extra one just to be safe.

Now that is what makes things right.

If something is good, please do not change the recipe or you could have an uprising.

Moral of the story, change nothing when it works, never skimp, and always do your best at whatever you do.

And “Thanks” Coke for giving us “Classic” Coke Cola back, even though CLASSIC makes me sound old, but that’s Ok, because you know I am a "real classic " in itself.

Augustino Patti Jr.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

DCLIAR Laptops vs Desktops

Laptops vs. Desktops

All we have to say is a laptop is the way to go if you’re a computer person or geek. I mean we can all be strapped down at home or in our office to a desktop computer or we can do what most American’s are doing and plopping down the cash for a laptop so they can go wireless and use their computer anywhere and almost anyplace.

Think about it, how about going to breakfast are supper and in your hands, you have your trusty laptop, where you can do research or just check your e-mail if the place where you are at has wi-fi, which stands for a Wireless Internet connection that is available to their customers.

A laptop is also great if you have photo’s stored on board your computer and you have a client that wants to see your photo’s before hiring you.

Maybe you have documents, that you want others to have, or see, and it would be hard to lug your desktop to the corner coffee shop. Think about it, you’re a writer and your out and you are needing to take some notes, well your laptop has Microsoft word on board are a simple notebook program to make those quick notes, it’s better than having a pocket full of notes you tried to scratch in a hurry.

So when you think about buying a new computer, go for the laptop. Then again if you think you would not like a laptop, visit a friend who has one, better yet go to a store where you can have access to the keyboard and test it out. I guaranty that the laptop is the one you will want in your home and in your possession.

Most people do not realize that with a laptop you have a place to add another monitor as well as another keyboard except it would disable your keyboard on your laptop.

Then again when making the purchase make sure you have a salesperson that is not just working on a commission and wants to sell you everything that he can find that you most likely do not need. If the salesperson is pushy, hey say see you I have to check another store he will get the hint and you will be happier in the end.

Also make sure you have enough USB ports that are important if you plan on hooking a printer and a camera as well as an external hard drive.

Well now get out there and shop till you drop and find the computer that makes you happy and doesn’t give you a hassle every time you turn it on.

Ok, theirs is another reason to own a laptop computer vs. the desktop (please don’t get me wrong, having a desktop is also handy at home) you can’t carry it from room to room, but who wants too.

Try adding a web-cam if you are a student, and are about to take on line courses. Just make sure when you buy the computer you want has lots of memory and ram. Don’t let a salesperson sell you things that you don’t need tell them exactly what your need is, and most honest salespeople will look out for you.

So study all the information you can regarding the computer you want, and make sure it will do what you need and not fail to run programs that are the most important things for you.

Computer’s are like cars, some like Ford’s and some like Chevy’s, and some rather have a cheap car just to get them from point “A” to point “B”.

The cheapest ones fail to make the grade, and you will be stuck with a computer that you have no need of, and most important you are not able to upgrade.

So good luck and happy hunting, I hope you find the computer of your dreams.

Augustino Patti Jr. (Some Advice)


"Laughing My Way to the Bank"

Have you ever dreaded the 1st of the month, knowing that you had a ton of money going out, but hardly any coming in. Well that's what has been happening to me, seems as if we live from one month to the next and nothing to show for our accomplishments. That's not fair, it's not the American way or the Dream that I had always imagined.

That's like when one of your parents, says to you "I won't be here forever", you just look at them like are they crazy sure they will. Then you get a call, that says one of your parents has passed away and that is when the shock really begins. That person who you have grown to love and respect and laughed and joked, and at time quarreled is no longer there to answer you vital questions or help you with advise. They are gone, and remember you said that could never happen to them, meaning passing away and leaving that void in your life.

Life seems unfair, you want to strike out then again you know that the person that you have loved for so many years, that was in pain, is out now and all you can do is in someway thank GOD for what he has done for them. They have no more pain, no more bills to worry about just a life in paradise. While we here on this global community, seek to find peace and want so much just to be able to make it month to month.

Every 4 years we elect a new President that has always given us big promises, and when office seems to have gotten a good case of altimers, and can't seem to remember saying that they would help the poor, oh yes they do remember how to line their pockets while we the Americans that voted the guy in, wonder what boat he fell off and where were we when we voted for him, remember when you vote for a man that promises so much, you must know that he will forget the promises that he made to you, and that was the only reason you voted for him.

Now these problems are not going away, just getting bigger and bigger. We are paying over $4 dollars for a gallon of gas, that is outrageous. I was thinking about buying a horse and a buggy but I know that the price for feed would be so high just to feed the horse be high, so that's out.
Then a bicycle would be nice, but how can a ride a bike when the heat is incredible outside, plus I would have to travel so many miles. I would be dead, which could be a good thing.

I know that we all are having a tough time of it now and it does not look any brighter on down the road. Prices are going up, and wages are staying the same, and food is outrageous all because of the fuel prices at the pumps. Truckers are having to buy diesel fuel and the price is so high that they are not making it . Some I know have been paying over a thousand dollars just to fill their 18 wheeler up. So who gets the shaft, you and me, Mr. and Mrs.US Citizen.

Lets remember the times in the past when we all thought gas prices were crazy, all because the price was $2.30 a gallon. We thought this was more than highway robbery, we were being cheated, now that the price is over 4 dollars a gallon I think I am being screwed.

What happened to the good old days, why can't we bring them back, why must we all live in this get it now fast your way life. Drive through windows, where things moved fast, now it cost more to sit in a line of cars just to go through a drive through. Food is also crazy, Milk is like GOLD, price are the same as gas prices, 4 dollars or more. We have turned to 2% milk, something we never did drink before, but because it saves us 2 or 3 cents, we buy it.
Every where you go now people are looking for sales, to stock up, because if you can get a two for one item that is a lot better than having to run out next week and the price double on whatever your need is.

This is America, where is the OIL why do we have to depend on Oil from Iraq?. We have oil that is ready to be pumped out of the ground, then we also have environmentalists that refuse to let us to drill for oil. Now don't get me wrong I love tree's and animals the same as you do, but I also know that we need to drill and lower the prices of fuel so that we can all become free again.

Yes I know the environmentalist are all having a tizzy fit now, but hey fill your tank up with tree bark and see how far you will drive.

This world is gone crazy and those that are the craziest or the ones that have to commute to work every day and get caught in traffic jams, which of course burns up the fuel in their cars, and gets them madder and makes them go into road rage.

Please be careful out there, when driving it sure is not like it used to be, fun, enjoyable. I can remember when we would complain when some car was just poking along the road, we all called the "Sunday Drivers", but those were really the good times. We could all get into our cars, and not worry about how far a place was and ride down back roads and see things that we never would have before, That was living in America was great.

How does this all connect with me "Laughing My Way to the Bank"?
Well I guess you can say that all I know is that we all have to pay bills, we all have to breath in oxygen, and we all must have water. We all want to survive, but how much longer will we be doing this, if we can't drive our car to get to our jobs, and how much longer are we going to be able to buy bread at the high prices?. So much to worry about, I decided to look up into that pretty blue sky and pray that GOD will some how help us all down here on this little rock we all share and call Earth.
So as I was driving to and from places that I needed to go, I was also praying and maybe that is what we all need to be doing is praying for help of some kind. And if you think there is NO GOD, well look around and tell me who you think GOD is and how he created this planet and all the trees and flowers and birds and every animal, if there is no GOD then maybe you can get your god to lower the prices that we are paying, but I bet my GOD will supply all our needs, not our wants, I said all our basic needs. Think about that my friend, honk when we pass each other.

Augustino Patti (my Blog)