Laptops vs. Desktops
All we have to say is a laptop is the way to go if you’re a computer person or geek. I mean we can all be strapped down at home or in our office to a desktop computer or we can do what most American’s are doing and plopping down the cash for a laptop so they can go wireless and use their computer anywhere and almost anyplace.
Think about it, how about going to breakfast are supper and in your hands, you have your trusty laptop, where you can do research or just check your e-mail if the place where you are at has wi-fi, which stands for a Wireless Internet connection that is available to their customers.
A laptop is also great if you have photo’s stored on board your computer and you have a client that wants to see your photo’s before hiring you.
Maybe you have documents, that you want others to have, or see, and it would be hard to lug your desktop to the corner coffee shop. Think about it, you’re a writer and your out and you are needing to take some notes, well your laptop has Microsoft word on board are a simple notebook program to make those quick notes, it’s better than having a pocket full of notes you tried to scratch in a hurry.
So when you think about buying a new computer, go for the laptop. Then again if you think you would not like a laptop, visit a friend who has one, better yet go to a store where you can have access to the keyboard and test it out. I guaranty that the laptop is the one you will want in your home and in your possession.
Most people do not realize that with a laptop you have a place to add another monitor as well as another keyboard except it would disable your keyboard on your laptop.
Then again when making the purchase make sure you have a salesperson that is not just working on a commission and wants to sell you everything that he can find that you most likely do not need. If the salesperson is pushy, hey say see you I have to check another store he will get the hint and you will be happier in the end.
Also make sure you have enough USB ports that are important if you plan on hooking a printer and a camera as well as an external hard drive.
Well now get out there and shop till you drop and find the computer that makes you happy and doesn’t give you a hassle every time you turn it on.
Ok, theirs is another reason to own a laptop computer vs. the desktop (please don’t get me wrong, having a desktop is also handy at home) you can’t carry it from room to room, but who wants too.
Try adding a web-cam if you are a student, and are about to take on line courses. Just make sure when you buy the computer you want has lots of memory and ram. Don’t let a salesperson sell you things that you don’t need tell them exactly what your need is, and most honest salespeople will look out for you.
So study all the information you can regarding the computer you want, and make sure it will do what you need and not fail to run programs that are the most important things for you.
Computer’s are like cars, some like Ford’s and some like Chevy’s, and some rather have a cheap car just to get them from point “A” to point “B”.
The cheapest ones fail to make the grade, and you will be stuck with a computer that you have no need of, and most important you are not able to upgrade.
So good luck and happy hunting, I hope you find the computer of your dreams.
Augustino Patti Jr. (Some Advice)
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